Some Do’s and Don’ts


  • inform receptionist/swim school coordinator at the point of booking of any medical conditions prior to the lessons so that we can be prepared.
  • arrive with your child/children 10 minutes early on the first week and 5 minutes early thereafter.
  • pay particular attention to ensuring swimmers have used the toilet before attending and therefor trying to avoid children needing to use the toilet on site.
  • ensuring that hats are put on securely prior to the lesson, and goggles are adjusted. If children need help with adjusting their hats or goggles, we will encourage them to seek help in the first instance from their parent. We will have a designated member of staff to assist if needed.


  • attend if you are unwell.
  • arrive too early. Apart from the first lesson of term where swimmers are required to turn up 10 minutes, we ask that swimmers only arrive 5 minutes prior to their lesson time throughout the term to ensure minimal crowds.
  • hang around after your child’s lesson(s)